Delta Church is full of passionate followers of Jesus who are dedicated in serving faithfully, giving financially, and actively involved the mission of Jesus.
SO WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE...between a regular attender and someone who does the same thing but is called a Member? And does this even matter?
Membership tells us you are formally committing to the mission of Delta Church and are mutually accountable with the Leadership. It tells us you are willing to take ownership of, and responsibility for, our church family by giving your time, talents and treasures each year.
A Member in the mission of DELTA CHURCH is committed to:
1. Being a follower of Jesus Christ and believe the fundamental truths of the Bible
2. Is in agreement with:
a. Mission and Values (currently being formed)
b. Statement of Faith
c. Bylaws and Constitution
d. Ministry Covenant
3. Regularly attend Sunday morning services.
4. Participate in a Group -or- actively serve in a volunteer ministry of Delta Church.
5. Regularly support Delta Church with your finances, understanding the biblical principles of tithes and offerings.
We believe that giving is an integral part of our relationship with God. It acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17). It reflects our trust that God will provide for us. It is our way of refusing to allow our possessions to consume or define us (Matthew 6:19-24). It allows us to be a part of His work here on Earth (2 Cor. 9:6-7). And it’s a way for us to follow through on what God has asked us to do (Malachi 3:8-12; Proverbs 3:9).
6. Strive to have a lifestyle and behaviour that is aligned with biblical principles in a way that represents Jesus Christ and membership with Delta Church (outlined in the Ministry Covenant):
Join a Group or a Volunteer Team.
We want all of our members to be active in the life of the church. Therefore, the first step in membership is to become active in either attending a Small Group or serving in a volunteer position.
Submit your application.
Please take your time reading through all the Membership information before completing your application. Once you’re ready, you can submit your application online using the link found at the top of this page.
Meet with a board member.
Our team will forward your application to a board member who will meet with you to review the information and get to know you a little better. This is often done during Sunday mornings.
Await confirmation.
If you are not yet able to commit to the expectations of Membership, (ie: you still need to join a Small Group or commit to a serving team, or you haven’t yet started giving), the board member will let you know how to get started and will return your application for you to resubmit once you can fulfil the expectation. Once the board member confirms that you are committed to the expectations of a Membership, your application will be included in the next board meeting agenda for final approval. Within a couple of weeks of the meeting, you can expect to receive a welcome email.
Recognizing that people’s situation’s change and that it’s easy to forget to update the church leadership on your new contact info or situation, DELTA has a Membership renewal process in place. Aside from it being a method of accountability, it helps keep our quorum accurate at Annual Business Meetings and it keeps our records up to date for ongoing communication.
Each fall, every Membership will be sent a simple renewal form. An online form will be sent to those who have an email address on file, and the rest will receive a form by mail. All you need to do is answer yes or no to the five statements, and submit them by the end of the November. If your information and situation have stayed the same, so will your Membership status. If you aren’t able to commit to one or more of the expectations, your Membership will lapse, and you’ll be invited to chat with someone from the leadership team about your situation.
If you have questions about Membership you can contact our DELTA CHURCH BOARD at